10 Fun Things to Do in Japan in July 2019


July is a month packed with peak summer fun in Japan! Many of the nation’s most popular festivals take place in July, and well as a number of other fireworks festivals, dance celebrations, Tanabata decorations, and much more. Here are 10 fun things to do in Japan in July 2019!

Your Guide to Gion, Kyoto’s Famous Geisha District

If you’re fascinated by the atmosphere of old Japan, then Gion is the place for you. Gion (祇園) is Kyoto’s famous Geisha district, as well as the home of the large Gion Matsuri festival held every year in July. Here’s what to do when visiting Gion!

Gion Matsuri: Kyoto’s Famous Month-Long Festival

The Gion Festival (Gion Matsuri 祇園祭) is held every year for an entire month in Kyoto in July, and is one of the most famous festivals in all of Japan. Here is everything you need to know about this timeless, lively celebration!

10 Fun Things to Do in Japan in June 2019

よさこい hokkaido matsuri

In Japan, June is a bit of a transition month between spring and summer. Therefore, the events and activities are a mix: including the last flower festivals of the spring, as well as the first lively festivals of the summer! Here are 10 fun things to do in Japan in June 2019.

All About Kyoto’s Aoi Matsuri

The Aoi Matsuri (葵祭) is one of the three most important annual festivals held in Kyoto, Japan. Held every year on May 15, the festival is known for an incredible procession of over 600 people in authentic Heian-era costumes. Here is everything you need to know about the famous Aoi Matsuri!

Japanese to Know: Common “Matsuri” Words

Matsuri, or festivals, are held all over Japan. They’re lively, fun, entertaining, and a great way to experience Japanese culture. Are you thinking of checking out a Japanese festival when you visit Japan? Here are the words to know before you go!

What Happens During a Japanese Wedding Ceremony

What Happens During a Japanese Wedding Ceremony Have you ever been to a wedding in Japan? Do you imagine a traditional Japanese wedding ceremony to date back thousands of years? You may be surprised to learn that Shinto weddings, known in Japanese as shinzen kekkon (神前結婚), “Marriage before the gods”, did not actually begin in Japan until the early 20th century. … Read More