Introducing Japanese Proverbs, Kotowaza vol.2

ishi no ue nimo sannen

Minasan konnichiwa! saikin kyuu ni samuku narimashita. mō aki desu ne. 最近急に寒くなりました。もう秋ですね。 Suddenly it’s getting cold lately. It seems already autumn here. Kinou, “awaji hana sajiki” to iu ohanabatake e ikimashita yo. kosumosu ga totemo kiree deshita yo. 昨日、あわじ花さじきというお花畑へ行きましたよ。コスモスがとてもきれいでした。 I went to a flower field called Awaji hana sajiki. Cosmos flowers were so beautiful. Ok, let’s learn Japanese Proverbs, Kotowaza!  … Read More

Introducing Japanese Proverbs, Kotowaza vol.1

ishibashii o tataite wataru

Following from the previous “10 Famous Japanese Proverbs”, I’ll continue to introduce 5 Japanese proverbs each time 🙂 This time, I’ll show you these five. All are very popular for us Japanese. 😉

Introduction to Japanese Proverbs

Japanese Proverbs

Minasan Ohayō gozaimasu! Good morning, everyone! Today’s YouTube Live lesson is Japanese Proverbs. It’s good way to learn new Japanese vocabularies and culture. Also, it would be fun to compare Japanese proverbs and proverbs in your country! 🙂