Introducing Japanese Proverbs, Kotowaza vol.2

ishi no ue nimo sannen

Minasan konnichiwa! saikin kyuu ni samuku narimashita. mō aki desu ne. 最近急に寒くなりました。もう秋ですね。 Suddenly it’s getting cold lately. It seems already autumn here. Kinou, “awaji hana sajiki” to iu ohanabatake e ikimashita yo. kosumosu ga totemo kiree deshita yo. 昨日、あわじ花さじきというお花畑へ行きましたよ。コスモスがとてもきれいでした。 I went to a flower field called Awaji hana sajiki. Cosmos flowers were so beautiful. Ok, let’s learn Japanese Proverbs, Kotowaza!  … Read More

Introducing Japanese Proverbs, Kotowaza vol.1

ishibashii o tataite wataru

Following from the previous “10 Famous Japanese Proverbs”, I’ll continue to introduce 5 Japanese proverbs each time 🙂 This time, I’ll show you these five. All are very popular for us Japanese. 😉

How To Speak Casual Japanese ~7 slang expressions

When you speak casual English to friends, you don’t use perfect grammar and full sentences like you would when writing a paper, correct? Japanese is the same way. When speaking conversational Japanese, people rarely use the exact words and long phrases that you’d find in a textbook. Here is a 5-minute mini lesson to help you speak Casual Japanese.

All About Particles ~Live lesson version~

Japanese particles

Konnichiwa! こんばんは! Today’s YT Live lesson topic was “All About Particles ~Live lesson version~”. Particle is one of the most concerned topics amongst Japanese learners. In this lesson, I introduced  several Japanese particles for the beginners. Let’s check out the particles with the example sentences!

Emotional Expression ~mimetic words~

Japanese mimetic words

Konbanwa! こんばんは! Today’s YT Live lesson topic was “Emotional Expressions ~mimetic words”. There are many catchy Japanese mimetic words, and most of them are short repeating words, “doki-doki”, “run-run”, “waku-waku”, etc. In this lesson, I introduced these mimetic words by emotional expressions. Let’s check out the commonly used Japanese emotional mimetic words!

Lost in Translation ~ trap of direct translation

lost in translation

Minasan Ohayoo gozaimasu! みなさん、おはようございます! Today’s YT Live lesson topic is “Lost in translation”. Directly translated phrases may not work or even provoke others sometimes. So you need to know the right phrases situation-by-situation basis. Let’s check out the common mistakes caused by the direct translation and learn the right expressions!

Asking direction in Japanese

Minasan Ogenki desuka? ここは今日も雨です。koko wa kyoo mo ame desu. Today is rain again here. ☔️ Today’s YT Live lesson topic is “Asking direction in Japanese”. Have you ever lost in Japan? If so, how did you manage to survive? In this lesson, I introduced useful phrases asking direction and must-know vocabularies and phrases in order to understand the responses by … Read More

Japanese Birthday Party Phrases

Japanese birthday phrases

Ohayō gozaimasu! Kyoo wa ichinichi-juu ame desu. 🌧 Good morning! It will be rain all day today. Today’s YT Live lesson topic is “Japanese Birthday Party Phrases” Have you attended Japanese birthday party before? Japanese birthday celebration is a bit different style from other countries. Let’s check it out!