Kawaii: Japan’s Obsession With All Things Cute

bow down to hello kitty

Kawaii (かわいい) is one of the most commonly used words in the Japanese language. Translated as “cute” in English, it can be used to describe all things cute – people, babies, animals, clothing, decorations, stationary – you name it. When the kawaii trend originated, it was only popular with pre-teen girls. So why is it that today in Japan, it’s … Read More

10 Vending Machines You Can Only Find in Japan

Japanese unique vending machines

Japan is a vending machine heaven! Called jidōhanbaiki (自動販売機) in Japanese, vending machines can be found all over cities, towns and even in the countryside. And, there’s much more than just drinks for sale… here is a list of 10 crazy vending machines you can only find in Japan!

10 Japanese Mascots You Won’t Believe Actually Exist

In Japan, almost every city, town, company, or even local event, has its own mascot. Some mascot characters like Rilakkuma or Domo-kun have become household names in Japan, but the vast majority of characters aren’t widely known outside of their local area. There are thousands of different mascots, and some are incredibly strange! You won’t believe these 10 bizarre mascots that … Read More


Japan is a vending machine heaven! There is about 1 vending machine for every 23 people in Japan. Called jidōhanbaiki (自動販売機) in Japanese, vending machines can be found all over cities, towns and even in the countryside. And, there’s more than just drinks for sale! Here’s everything you need to know about Japan’s amazing vending machines.