Let’s learn how to write Katakana!

Minasan Konnichiwa!
Hi everyone!

Katakana tutorial videos are now available on my Youtube channel too.
Let’s learn writing Katakana (hand writing) with right stroke order!

アイウエオ カキクケコ サシスセソ タチツテト ナニヌネノ マミムメモ ヤユヨ ラリルレロ ワヲン

As you know, Japanese has three letters, Hiragana, Katakana and Kanji.
Katakana is mainly used for:
– Foreigner’s name
– onomatopoeia (sound words)
– when emphasize etc.

Katakana impression is cool, comparing to gentle and mild looks of Hiragana.
Well, which letter do you prefer?
Can you write your name in Katakana?
This website have many Japanese lessons! https://courses.learnjapanese123.com 

– カズエ

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